Important things to remember:
- P1s need a waterproof coat and wellies in school for any outdoor play and impromptu walks.
- Please label all items of uniform
- Please make sure your child has brought their PE shoes into school (labelled)
Term One
Our theme is Hey hey look at me.
Term Two
Our theme is My Beautiful Body and Home Sweet Home and the writing genre we are learning about is Instructional Writing.
Term Three
Our theme is In The Garden and Fun in the Sun and the writing genre we are learning about is Report Writing.
PE Day
Websites that may be useful:
Top Marks (all subject areas)
Mother Goose (nursery rhymes)
Oxford Owl (tablet friendly free e-books, maths and reading games)
Crick Web (numeracy and literacy simple games)
PurpleMash (All subject areas)
Sumdog (Numeracy)
Miss Martin ( Mrs Mc Manus)
Mrs Mullan
Watch P1C perform their special assembly about Mary
You will require VLC or QuickTime player to view this.