About our school

Our School Vision

With faith, family and friends, anything is possible!

St Comgall’s is a Catholic School that promotes high achievement and lifelong learning by working with children to…..


  • Be happy, confident and spiritual


  • Develop a strong sense of self-esteem, respect for themselves and others


  • Achieve excellence in Literacy, Numeracy and I.C.T.


  • Become versatile individuals who are ready for the challenges and opportunities of their future lives.


We believe that each child will succeed through experiencing quality in …..


  • The promotion of the Catholic Ethos which celebrates inclusivity


  • Innovative teaching where we work together for the continuous professional development of all


  • A broad, enriching curriculum supported by up to date resources and a variety of extra-curricular activities


  • A supportive, motivating and safe environment with positive links to our families and community.


  • An ethos which celebrates all members of the school community wherein everyone’s voice is heard

School Prayer

This is our school

May all here live happily together

May our school be full of joy

May love dwell here amongst us everyday

Love of one another

Love of all people everywhere

Love of life itself

And love of God

Let us remember that as many hands build a house

So every child can make this school a lovely place


History of St. Comgall

St Comgall lived over 1400 years ago.

He was born in 517AD

He died in 602AD

St Comgall was born in County Antrim

After a career as a soldier he wanted to become a monk and studied in County Laois.

When he was about 40 he and a group of friends travelled to a small island on Lough Erne in County Fermanagh to live close to God.

Students from all over the world came to be taught by St Comgall

There were so many people coming that soon they had to make new monasteries that could cope with all the new intakes.

These were not just in Antrim but Kerry and also Rathlin Island

For 50 years St Comgall worked in one of the most famous Monasteries in Europe.

This was in Bangor County Down.

Apart from his teaching St Comgall has miracles attributed to him.

He has helped some people to regain their sight.

His emblem is a fish and he is usually drawn as a monk holding a stone to whom an angel brings a fish.

Comgall’s monastery became the target for Viking raids and they destroyed the church.

The relics of St Comgall were then moved to Antrim. These were received by St Malachy and that’s why the secondary school in Antrim was called St Malachy’s

St Comgall of our school. Help us we Pray To Remember Gods love in our lives every day.

St Comgall’s Feast Day is the 10th May

Children's Thoughts

Year 4

‘The teachers are very kind and the pupils have lovely manners. They are always kind to each other and know that good behaviour is always expected.’
‘The teachers are very kind and the pupils have lovely manners. They are always kind to each other and know that good behaviour is always expected.’

Year One

‘I like school because you get to play with all your friends.'
‘I like school because you get to play with all your friends.'

Year 1

‘I love school because WALT always tells us something new.’
‘I love school because WALT always tells us something new.’

Year 5

‘We have lots of different children from different places, with different languages.’
‘We have lots of different children from different places, with different languages.’

Year 6

‘My favourite thing about St. Comgall’s is that you are never bored and there is always something to look forward to.’
‘My favourite thing about St. Comgall’s is that you are never bored and there is always something to look forward to.’

Year 6

‘We get to go swimming and have lots of sports.’
‘We get to go swimming and have lots of sports.’

Year 3

‘I like St Comgall’s because it has a Gaelic team.

My favourite thing about St Comgall’s is we get to do silent reading.’
‘I like St Comgall’s because it has a Gaelic team. My favourite thing about St Comgall’s is we get to do silent reading.’

Year 2

‘I like St Comgall's  because we get star pupil!’
‘I like St Comgall's  because we get star pupil!’

Year 5

‘The teachers are very kind and the pupils have lovely manners. They are always kind to each other and know that good behaviour is always expected.’
‘The teachers are very kind and the pupils have lovely manners. They are always kind to each other and know that good behaviour is always expected.’

Year 7

‘St. Comgall’s is a bully free zone!’
‘St. Comgall’s is a bully free zone!’

Year 7

‘The canteen serves nice, healthy food.’
‘The canteen serves nice, healthy food.’

Year 5

‘The trips make learning more fun. For example going to W5 to learn about flight, visiting the Lough Shore and going on The Maid of Antrim to learn about Lough Neagh.’

‘The trips make learning more fun. For example going to W5 to learn about flight, visiting the Lough Shore and going on The Maid of Antrim to learn about Lough Neagh.’  

Year 2

‘I like St Comgall's because we have play time and there are lovely dinners.’
‘I like St Comgall's because we have play time and there are lovely dinners.’

Year 4

‘We have pride in our school and keep the grounds neat and tidy.’
‘We have pride in our school and keep the grounds neat and tidy.’

Year 3

‘The thing I like about St.Comgall’s are all the lovely teachers and helpers. It is the best school because there is everything you can imagine in here.’
‘The thing I like about St.Comgall’s are all the lovely teachers and helpers. It is the best school because there is everything you can imagine in here.’

Year 6

‘My favourite thing about St. Comgall’s is when I get to represent the school.’
‘My favourite thing about St. Comgall’s is when I get to represent the school.’

Year 7

‘St. Comgall’s is the best because you can try lots of new things.’
‘St. Comgall’s is the best because you can try lots of new things.’

Year 3

‘St Comgall’s is the best because it has great teachers. I like this school because the work is interesting.’
‘St Comgall’s is the best because it has great teachers. I like this school because the work is interesting.’

Year 3

'I like going on school trips. We went to the Zoo!'
'I like going on school trips. We went to the Zoo!'

Year 7

‘St. Comgall’s is the best because everyone is well behaved and they give respect to teachers and visitors.’
‘St. Comgall’s is the best because everyone is well behaved and they give respect to teachers and visitors.’

Year 6

‘My favourite thing about St. Comgall’s is when I get to represent the school.’
‘My favourite thing about St. Comgall’s is when I get to represent the school.’

Year Two

'I like when my teacher reads us stories.'
'I like when my teacher reads us stories.'

Year 3

‘I like St Comgall’s because we get to go on school trips. It is the best school because we do fun work.’
‘I like St Comgall’s because we get to go on school trips. It is the best school because we do fun work.’

Year 1

‘I like P1 the best because you get to have extra outdoor play if your class is really good!’
‘I like P1 the best because you get to have extra outdoor play if your class is really good!’

Year 1

'I love making big massive trucks in school.'
'I love making big massive trucks in school.'

Year 5

‘We have a variety of clubs and we are an Eco School.’
‘We have a variety of clubs and we are an Eco School.’

Year 1

‘My favourite thing about St Comgall’s is when you get best class and star pupil it’s just the best!’
‘My favourite thing about St Comgall’s is when you get best class and star pupil it’s just the best!’

Year 3

‘My favourite thing about St Comgall's is I can play with my friends.’
‘My favourite thing about St Comgall's is I can play with my friends.’

Year 2

‘I like St Comgall's because we learn about under the sea and splish splash splosh.’
‘I like St Comgall's because we learn about under the sea and splish splash splosh.’

Year 4

‘Learning is made fun and enjoyable.’
‘Learning is made fun and enjoyable.’

Year 1

‘I love our school especially outdoor play when we get to write sums on the fence using chalk.’
‘I love our school especially outdoor play when we get to write sums on the fence using chalk.’

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