Virtual Office

Welcome to our Virtual Office, here you can find all the latest school info and much more!


Principal – Mr Matthews    (Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection)

Vice Principal – Mrs Cunningham    (Designated Teacher for Child Protection)


Year 1 Miss Martin Mrs Mullan
Year 2 Mrs Mc Caughan Miss Conlon Mrs L O’Neill/ Mrs Quinn
Year 3 Mr Jones Mrs A Walsh/ Mrs R O’Neill
Year 4 Mrs Black Mrs Mc Laughlin Miss Patton
Year 5 Mrs O’Donnell Mr Mc Shane Miss Mc Neill
Year 6 Mr Mc Laughlin Mrs K Walsh  Mrs Magee
Year 7 Mr Henry Mr Phillips  Mrs Duffy

Newcomer Teacher –  Miss O’Sullivan

Learning Support Teacher – Mrs Ntareme

Ancillary and Auxiliary

Admin Staff:    Mrs McCollum   &    Mrs Mallon

Learning Support Assistants

Mrs Walker —– Mrs Hirst

Mrs Trelford —– Mrs O’Neill

Miss McKay —– Mrs Mulholland

Mrs Hunter —– Mrs Floyd

Mrs Magee —– Mrs. Murphy

Mrs Hussain —– Mrs Western

Miss Lavery —— Mrs Irvine

Mrs Brady —— Mrs Horan

Mrs Bell —— Miss Brennan

Building Supervisor

Mr Tony Mc Donnell


Fr Emerson and Fr O’Reilly

Board of Governors

Very Rev Fr S Emerson – Chair Person & Trustee

Mrs R Lynch – Vice – Chair & EA   (Safeguarding & Ethos Governor)

Mr S Marley – DENI

Mr D Callan – EA

Mrs S Barwick – Trustee  (Safeguarding Governor)

Mr B Michael – Trustee

Mrs C Gillan – Trustee

Mrs S Duffy – Teacher Governor  (Safeguarding Governor)

Mrs M Ong – Parent Governor (Ethos Governor)

Mr J Matthews – Principal

Admissions Criteria


Online Digital Admissions to Primary 1 for 2022 — 2023

The Online Digital Admissions for entry to Nursery or Primary 1 in 2022-2023 can be applied for from midday Monday 10th January 2022 to midday on Friday 28th January 2022.

Please use the  link above, to help with the application process.


The Board of Governors draws up the admissions criteria and delegates the responsibility for applying these
criteria to the Principal.
When considering which children should be selected for admission, the Board of Governors will only take into
account information which is detailed on the application or provided directly to the school. Parents/Guardians
should therefore ensure that all information pertaining to their child and relevant to the school’s admissions
criteria is stated on the application or provided directly to the first preference school. Examples of such
information include whether the child has brothers/sisters attending the school, or is the eldest child in the

Due to the current Government restrictions, St Comgall’s PS will not be conducting a face to face open
day/night. In December and January, please visit our school website or Youtube channel to receive Open Day
information digitally and enjoy a virtual tour of the life of St Comgall’s. This information will also be advertised
in the local media.
Welcome Day: Newly admitted Year 1 pupils and their parents will be invited to attend a Welcome Morning
in Term 3 of the academic year. Times and dates will be communicated in due course.

During the admissions procedure when applying the criteria punctual applications will be considered before
late applications are considered. The application procedure opens on 10 January 2022 at 12noon (GMT) and
an application submitted by the closing date of 28 January 2022 at 12noon (GMT) will be treated as a punctual
application. An application received after 12noon (GMT) on 28 January 2022 will be treated as a late
The following criteria will be applied in the order set down by the Board of Governors of St. Comgall’s Primary
School in selecting children for the admission to P1 in September 2022. All children resident in Northern Ireland
at the time of their proposed admission to the school will be selected for admission to the school before any
child not so resident.
Admissions criteria for Primary 1 to be used in the event of the school being oversubscribed. The criteria are
listed in order of priority.
(a) Children who are of compulsory school age.
(b) Children who reside in the Parish of Antrim.
(c) Children who have a sibling presently enrolled in the school.*
(d) Children whose sibling is a past pupil of the school.*
(e) Children who are the eldest child to apply to a mainstream primary.
(f) Any other application from within the Antrim Parish boundary.
(g) Any other application from outside the Antrim Parish boundary.
(h) Children for whom St. Comgall’s is the closest maintained primary school to their home address – as
measured by Google Maps.
(i) Children who live closest to St. Comgall’s Primary School – as measured by Google Maps.
Admissions criteria for entry September 2022
Updated November 2021
*If using criteria (c) or (d), it is the responsibility of the applicant to list the sibling name and dates of attendance
on the application. Failure to do so will mean the Board of Governors will not be able to apply the selection

The Board of Governors reserves the right to require such supplementary evidence as it may determine to
support or verify information on any application.
If the requested evidence is not provided to the Board of Governors by the deadline given, this will result in
the withdrawal of an offer of a place. Similarly, if information is supplied which appears to be false or
misleading in any material way, the offer of a place will be withdrawn.
Documentation submitted in support of your application should be provided directly to the school of first
Upon application, the Child’s Birth Certificate along with any “Duty to Verify” documents requested by schools
of any preference within the application, must be provided to the 1st preference School.

Applications for admission to Y1 for September 2021 before the start of the school year:
Letters/emails will be issued advising parents of the primary school in which their child has been placed/not
placed. After this date, all applications for admission to Year One that were initially refused, late applications,
applications where new information has been provided and new applications received will be treated equally
and the criteria as listed above will be applied. Your child’s name will be added to this list automatically and, if
a place becomes available, the school will contact you. This waiting list will be in place until 31 August 2022.
Parents must inform the school in writing if they wish to have their child’s name added to a new waiting list
which will take effect from 1st September 2021. The school will contact you if a place becomes available.

Applications for places in Y2-Y7 after the start of the school year i.e. from 1st September 2022:
If a vacancy arises and the school has not exceeded its maximum enrolment number, and provided no class
from Y1 – Y4 exceeds 30 pupils, the above criteria will be applied to select pupils from the waiting list. It is the
parent’s responsibility to inform the school in writing that they wish to have their child’s name added to the
waiting list.


Applications and Admissions to Primary 1
Year Total Applications Total Admissions
2019/2020 77 77
2020/2021 67 67
2021/2022 57 57

School Dinners


Dinners cost £2.60 per day 

Meals should be ordered and paid for in advance through the link sent to parents at the weekend, ALL payments should be sent to the class teacher on a Monday morning. 


Please  note that the menu at times may change at short notice due to intermittent delivery issues.

Thank you.



The menu for the canteen is prepared a month in advance, it is sent home or can be viewed by clicking on the pdf above.

School dinners cost £2.60 each day.  Alternatively, children are welcome to bring in a packed lunch.

Dinner children eat in the canteen.  Lunch children eat in the classroom.

Due to COVID school dinners purchased will be brought to children to eat in their classroom.

Lunch Time

After lunch children go outside to play and are treated to a variety of playground games and activities (weather permitting).

Children are asked to bring in a busy book for wet days.


Due to COVID milk will not be available until further notice.

We will let you know as soon as it becomes available.


Milk is available at break time.

The money is paid on a monthly basis.

In the event of absences we cannot provide a refund.



Due to COVID snacks from the canteen will not be available until further notice.

We will let you know as soon as they becomes available.


For a small charge children can buy buttered toast from the canteen each day.

Toast 25p (Everyday)

Bagel  30p ( Tuesday & Thursday)

Pancake 25p (Monday & Wednesday)

Scone 25p (Friday)

Healthy Eating

We operate a healthy eating policy.

We encourage children to have fruit and/or yogurt at break time and drink water throughout the day.

We have water fountains from which children can refill their bottles.

Due to allergies (some life threatening) we request that parents refrain from using nut based products in lunches such as Nutella spread.

Click on the links below to find information about healthy lunches and snacks.

Are you packing a healthy lunch? Healthy Breaks

School Prospectus

Click below to download our School Prospectus or P1 Welcome Book.


School Rules

  1. Children must be in school at 9.00 but no earlier than 8:45.
  2. Children must go to school every day. Holidays are not allowed during term time.
  3. If your child is not at school the reason must be provided to the teacher in the form of an absence note (for our records).
  4. If you want to take your child out of school for an urgent appointment you must telephone or write to the school.
  5. A child’s name should be on all belongings – bags, uniform, especially coats!
  6. Children must complete homework. All written homework activities must be signed by an adult.
  7. The only jewellery allowed in school is a watch.  If earrings must be worn, only stud earrings are permitted. Only black school footwear – no high heels are permitted.
  8. Mobile phones are not to be brought to school.

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club is in the main school hall.

From 8.10am – 8.45 am

Cost: £2 per day for supervision, cereal, toast and fruit juice/milk.


Please find below the link to our Board of Governor annual report to parents.

This report is produced by the Governing body annually.

A paper copy of these reports can be made available upon request at the school office.

Current Annual Report to Parents

Older Annual Reports

Where to Buy?

Uniform Supplier:  THOUSAND STITCHES

Unit 7 Antrim Enterprise Park, 58 Greystone Road
BT41 4JZ Antrim

Tel: 07580136883

E-mail: [email protected]



School uniform is compulsory and must be labelled with name and class.

The school uniform must be worn in schools, at concerts and on school outings unless otherwise stated.

Summer uniform can be worn during the months of September, May & June.

Whilst all uniform supplies can be sourced from our uniform supplier, uniform items can be purchased from other suppliers – e.g. online or from large chain suppliers. Parents can chose if they wish their child to wear crested or not crested items. If sourcing non-crested items of uniform we ask that those items be of same style and colour.




Winter Uniform

Royal Blue Jumper (crested/not)

Blue Shirt

Blue & White School Tie

Navy Trousers

Navy Socks

Black footwear


Summer Uniform

(September & May-June)

Blue Polo Shirt (Crested/Not)

Royal Blue Jumper (Crested/not)

Navy Shorts / Trousers

Navy Socks

Black Footwear




Winter Uniform

Royal Blue Cardigan or Jumper (Crested/not)

Blue Shirt

Blue & White School Tie

Navy Pinafore or Skirt

Navy Socks or Navy Tights

Black footwear


Summer Uniform

(September & May-June)

Blue & White Checked Summer Dress

Royal Blue Cardigan or Jumper (Crested/not)

Navy Socks

Black Footwear

Our old Uniform

Some of our old Uniforms were taken to Africa in the Summer of 2018.

The children there were delighted to get a uniform. Don’t they look great!


Below are a few websites for parents and children who have English as an additional language.

We hope you find them helpful and if you need any further support please do not hesitate to contact us here in St.Comgall’s.



FamilySupport NI

Family Support NI

Email: [email protected]

Language of the Month Education Support English Courses English Classes

Click any of the buttons below to connect to websites

Parish Christmas Shoe Box Appeal : Road of Hope St. Louis Grammar Ballymena St. Mary’s Grammar Magherafelt St. Benedict’s College Randalstown St. Patrick’s College Ballymena STAMP tastic : Personalised stamps for uniforms Family Support NI Safer Internet - Think You Know for Parents Safer Internet
StComgalls GAA


Children can travel to and from school on the bus.

Translink have increased the bus fare to 95p.

If there is a seat belt, it must be worn.

Children should sit in the first available seat and fill up the bus from the front.

Please select the relevant year  group below to view the material that will be used to teach your children about Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE).

The ‘Wonder of My Being’ booklets will be used in conjunction with our religion programme.  We require permission for your child to be part of the lessons.  Please take time to view the material that will be used.


Registration – Learning Begins:  9am


Break Times: 10:15 – 10:30     10.45 -11:00

Lunch Times:

P.1,  P.2, P.3,  P.4, P.5  : 12.15 – 12:50

P.6 & P.7 : 12:55 – 1:30

Home Times

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
P.1 1.45pm 1.45pm 1.45pm 1.45pm 2pm
P.2 1.45pm 1.45pm 1.45pm 1.45pm 2pm
P.3 3pm 3pm 2pm 2pm 2pm
P.4 3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm 2pm
P.5 3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm 2pm
P.6 3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm 2pm
P.7 3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm 2pm

Waiting Room

To support families with multiple school pick-ups we have a facility from 2-3pm where children can remain in school.

A variety of activities take place and the children are given a small snack and drink.

This is a facility for children in P1/2/3 who wish to remain behind in school from their class finish time until 3pm.

Registration fee for the year is £20.  It then costs £2 per day to use.

You can only use the facility if you have registered.


Below are our newsletters for friends and parents.

Newsletters are published three times a year – at the end of each term.

They give an overview of the life of the school. Enjoy!

Please follow the link below to view our most recent school inspection report, which was carried out by the Education and Training Inspectorate (ETI)at the beginning of March 2016.

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