Latest News

Find out below what exciting things have been happening in St Comgalls.

Mrs McIntyre has been promoted to Principal in a new school.


Please click the link below to read the parental letter from Mr Matthews, Principal

P7 Perform Mary Poppins

Our talented P7 children performed amazingly in this year’s show Mary Poppins.

Summer Fun Evening

What an amazing night, so much fun had my all! Thanks to our Fundraising Group for all their hard work and all who made this night possible. Many thanks to O2 Castle Mall for a 2nd year in a row.…

Sports Day

Sports day fun!

First Holy Communion

Congratulations to all our Year 4 children and their families on making the Sacrament of First Holy Communion on Saturday 19th May. A beautiful day and a wonderful occasion. Many thanks to everyone who helped make it such a special…

Dance Day

On Thursday 22nd MarchP4-P7 took part in a Dance Day. Students from St Mary’s University College facilitated the day aiming to help children to work out and increase their fitness levels by teaching them different styles of dancing.    Zumba and the Haka were just…

Ditch the Stabilisers Day

On Wednesday 21st March Johnny from Sustrans came to school for the day and held a workshop for a group of P.2s with their parents.  Thechildren got the chance to learn to ride their bike without stabilisers. Many of them…

Green Day and St. Patrick’s Assembly

On Friday 16th March the whole school dressed in green in honour of our Patron Saint.  The P5 children then  entertained us all  with a fantastic assembly; with Irish music, singing, dancing and stories.  Later that day they performed to their parents.  A very talented…

Car Free Car Park

On Friday 9th March our school took part in Sustrans ‘Feet First Families’ initiative where we became a ‘car free zone’ for the entire day.  It was a beautiful, yet cold, frosty morning and we are delighted with the huge effort…

Sacrament of First Penance

Congratulations and well done to all our P3 children who made their First Confession on Thursday 8th March.  Fr O’Reilly led the ceremony and was accompanied by Fr Emerson and Fr Forsythe. The children were very well prepared as they performed their…

Sacrament of Confirmation

On Monday26th February Bishop Farquhar confirmed all the P7 children from the Parish of Antrim.  It was a beautiful, spirtual ceremony for all the families, friends and teachers who gathered together to celebrate with the children. Congratulations to our P7…

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